Graham has provided vacuum & heat transfer products, solutions and services to petroleum refineries and chemical plants throughout the world for more than eight decades. Project planning, equipment design, engineering and fabrication are world class at Graham. We employ a fully staffed Service Department, available to answer any questions in support of our Customers with advice, training or site visits whenever needed.

Vacuum distillation
Graham Ejector Systems and Hybrid Ejector-Liquid Ring systems support the vacuum distillation of crude oils throughout the world. These plants supply us with fuel, lubricating oils and the building blocks from which plastics are produced. Our experience includes the world’s largest vacuum distillation columns in North America, the Middle East and Asia. Graham’s technology has evolved over the past 80+ years with a focus on energy conservation. Our vacuum producing equipment is key to the most energy efficient processes possible.
Heavy Oils and Oil Sands
Unconventional crude oils are some of the most difficult to upgrade. Graham equipment provides reliable operation for the largest oil sands upgraders in Western Canada and South America for the conversion of these extra-heavy crude oils.
Lube Oil Fractionation
The production of lubricating oils from various crude oil slates requires predictable and reliable vacuum system performance. Graham Ejector Systems and Hybrid Ejector-Liquid Ring systems for lube oil service are found in the Middle East, North and South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and Europe.
Conversion processes
Many processes, including fluid catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, hydrotreating and coking require reliable equipment to support these specialized services. Graham works closely with Process Licensors, Equipment Suppliers and Plant Teams to produce products in the most energy efficient manner possible.
Clean transportation fuels
Graham Ejector Systems and Specialty Process Vacuum Condensers provide outstanding performance. When the goal is to improve middle distillate recovery and sulfur removal, Graham is the equipment supplier of choice.