The Graham Quality Team continually strives for improvement in all aspects to provide the best quality equipment. Graham keeps as many quality operations in-house with trained and verified personnel with constant training and recertification of our quality team. Integration of our customer’s needs and feedback go into our continuous improvement programs.

Our Quality Programs

Graham Values
- Safety of our customers and the personnel operating in and around our equipment
- Delivery of a quality product to our customers to meet their needs for years to come
- Ensure the National Defense posture is maintained in a state of readiness by supplying nuclear grade equipment for our US navy programs
- Ensure first-pass yield to drive down the costs associated with customer ETO fabrication and drive efficiency

Quality Certifications
Graham has the 6th oldest ASME Stamp in the world (#79), continually certified since 1958. Graham maintains ISO 9001:2015 certification.
- ASME viii Div. 1 U-Stamp
- NBIC R-Stamp (Shop Only)
- Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
- United Kingdom Conformity Assessment (UKCA)
- Chinese Manufacturing License
- Korean Gas Safety
Marine Products
- Huntington Ingalls Newport News
- Bechtel Plant Machinery, Inc. (BPMI)
- Electric Boat Company (EB)
- Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Reactors (NAVSEA-08)

Internal Personnel
- Over 30 combined personnel between Marine and Commercial Products
- On-site NDE
- Weld Engineering
- Quality Engineering
- Weld Lab
- Painting
- 350+ years combined experience

NDE Capabilities
- VT
- 4 CWIs
- PT
- Water Washable
- Post-Emulsified
- Solvent Removable
- Fluorescent
- MT
- AC
- DC
- Visible
- Fluorescent (Wet & Dry) RT
- Film w/X-Ray
- Computed w/X-Ray
- Outsource Gamma
- UT
- Digital Thickness
- Straight Beam
- Shear Wave
- Phased Array
- Hardness
- Brinell (Telebrineller)
- UCI (MIC-10)
- Rebound (Equitip)
- Paint
- NACE Level II
- Surface Profile
- Soluble Salt
- Holiday testing
- WFT/DFT testing
- MEK Rub test
- Adhesion Pull Test, X-Cut, Cross Cut
- Ferrite
- Helium Leak
- Others
- CMM Dimension Testing
- Romer Arm
- Laser Tracker
- PC-DMIS (Software)
- Borescope Inspection
- Evident (Olympus)
- CMM Dimension Testing

Weld Lab Capabilities
- Hydraulic Bend/Tensile tester – UTS and Bends
- Wet Saw
- Polishing
- Etching
- Microstructure Evaluation
Code Certifications
Graham Corporation maintains compliance with multiple quality programs to consistently meet customer requirements and expectations. Graham Corporation has been authorized by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors while maintaining certification to (ISO) the International Organization for Standardization. Program certificates are as follows:
Quality Programs | Designator/Level | Certificate Number |
ISO 9001:2015 | n/a | Q 921 |
ASME Section I | S | 4660 |
ASME Section VIII, Div 1 | U | 79 |
NBIC – Shop Repairs | R | R-2987 |
NBIC Authority to Register | U R | n/a |
Chinese Manufacturing (CML) | A1 | TS2200125-2022 |
Korea Gas Safety (KGS) | Pressure Vessels, Drums, Heat Exchangers, Others | ES-87 |
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) | Module A2 | HSB IE-22-03-031 |
Ontario Professional Engineering Certificate | n/a | 10980532 |
Graham Quality Program Certificates and associated Quality Manuals (where applicable) are available upon request.