Spare Parts
Steam Jet Ejector Spare Parts
Graham offers spare parts for all of its equipment to assist in any performance problems that may arise and to have available for replacement after normal use. The recommended spare parts list for the Graham Steam Jet Ejector is below:
- Diffuser Inlet*
- Diffuser Outlet*
- Motive Nozzle*
- Motive Nozzle Extension
- Gasket-Suction Chamber
- Gasket-Diffuser Throat
*Nozzles and diffusers should be replaced when throat area increase exceeds 7%.
The diagram and form corresponding to these spare parts can be found at Graham Steam Jet Ejector Spare Parts.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any problems or questions you may have concerning spares parts.
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump Spare Parts
When a vacuum pump goes down, every hour the equipment is out of service can cost you money. To keep your process up and running, Graham stocks many of the routine maintenance parts required to rebuild our most popular models. Standard mechanical seals are in stock and ready for quick shipment. Graham has a dedicated pump repair center to evaluate or rebuild a failed pump so you can quickly put it back in service.
Locate your pump model number below to download a PDF of the parts list specific to your equipment.
The spare parts lists provided are applicable to Graham liquid ring vacuum pumps purchased after June 2005. Requests for spare parts on pumps purchased prior to this date should be directed to Graham at 585-343-2216 or spares@graham-mfg.com.
Download the Graham Liquid Ring Pump – Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
Surface Condenser Spare Parts
Graham offers spare parts for all of its equipment to assist in any performance problems that may arise, and to have available for replacement after normal use. The recommended spare parts list for the Graham Surface Condenser is below:
- Gasket-inlet channel or bonnet to tubesheet
- Gasket inlet channel cover
- Gasket return channel cover
- Gasket return channel or bonnet
- Gasket hotwell
- Gasket inspection cover
The diagram and form corresponding to these spare parts can be found at Graham Surface Condenser Spare Parts.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any problems or questions you may have concerning spares parts.
Heliflow Heat Exchanger Spare Parts
Graham offers spare parts for all of its equipment to assist in any performance problems that may arise, and to have available for replacement after normal use. The recommended spare parts list for the Graham Heliflow Heat Exchanger is below:
- Gasket Bundle
- Gasket Casing
Find a diagram and form corresponding to these spare parts at Graham Heliflow Heat Exchanger Spare Parts.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any problems or questions you may have concerning spares parts.